Monday 26 March 2018

Worst Scary Movies

What are some of the worst horror movies ever made? Movies that disappointed and movies that were so bad that they were funny.

I have been searching around the internet for some of the worst horror movies ever made. I want to know what movies people consider to be the worst horror movies every made, and display them on this page. I will also include my own personal favorite terribly bad unintentionally funny scary movies.

Worst Scary Movies

Troll 2 1990

An entire town is inhabited by Trolls posing as humans, when a family visit the town the Trolls try and eat them. Trolls 2 is probably the worst, so bad it's funny, cheesiest horror movie ever made. Trolls 2 is so bad and memorable that it even has its own loyal fan base. It has some of the worst acting, dialog and special effects ever experienced in a movie, a documentary was even inspired by it, named "Best Worst Movie Ever".

The Mangler 1995

The story is basically about a demon that possesses an laundry folding machine which eats people. It may sound silly but it's based on a story written by Stephen King and it also stars Robert Englund and it also includes plenty of gore, however that's where the good points end. The Mangler completely ignores logic to a point which is ridiculous, combine that with bad acting and dialog which makes The Mangler very difficult to watch. It made so little sense that it actually gave me a headache.

Night of the Lepus 1972

Giant killer Rabbits anyone! it doesn't really sound very scary does it? you're right it's not very scary at all, and it's a bit ridiculous to be honest. This one falls into the category of it's so bad it's actually funny, which kind of makes it entertaining to watch, just don't expect a quality horror movie.

The Howling III: The Marsupials 1987

We have bad acting, terrible special effects and a human falling in love with a marsupial, I don't really need to say anymore than that. On a plus it's a very creative movie with some very original but weird ideas, it might give you a few unintentional laughs.

30 Days of Night: Dark Days

This is definitely not the worst horror I have seen but it's still pretty bad. It doesn't start off too terrible, however we then get subjected to what seems like hours of scenes where nothing at all happens. Boring is a good word to describe this movie, If you're having trouble sleeping then just put this on for awhile and you'll soon lose consciousness.

Slugs 1988

Due to human pollution, Slugs have mutated into killer Slugs which excrete toxin and they have also developed sharp teeth, that's pretty much as complex as the story gets. We have had killer Rabbits, and now it's time for the Slugs to take over, it seems just about anything can be turned into a horror movie.

Jack Frost 1997

A serial killer is on his way to be executed but there is a crash and he is badly mutated, he then returns as a snowman and seeks revenge on the sheriff that captured him. There are actually a few good reviews of this floating around, but for me the bad acting, cheap special effects and cheesy dialog makes this almost unbearable to watch.

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